Liz Peek, FiscalTimes

Romney's Plan - 6/30/11

The presidential candidate lays down what he describes as seven rules of successful economies. 

Martin Feldstein, Project Syndicate

What's Happening to the US Economy? - 6/30/11

The American economy has recently slowed dramatically, and the probability of another economic downturn increases with each new round of data. This is a sharp change from the economic situation at the end of last year – and represents a return to the very weak pace of expansion since the recovery began in the summer of 2009.

Irwin Stelzer, Weekly Standard

Loose Money and Deficit Spending - 6/27/11

President Barack Obama spent over a trillion dollars on projects he claimed were  “shovel-ready” and would prevent the unemployment rate from reaching 8 percent. Federal Reserve Board chairman Ben Bernanke obligingly printed $600 billion with which to buy the president’s IOUs, predicting that running the printing presses would get the economy growing at an annual rate of something like 3.5... More

Michael Mandel, Progressive Policy Institute

How the FDA Impedes Innovation - 6/27/11