How Trump Could Impact America's Economy


BGC Partners trader and senior strategist Steve Cortes weighs in on the state of the markets and U.S. economy.

STEVE CORTES: I think to some degree I view this, in the overall market, as this is the eye of the storm. So we went through an incredible front end of the hurricane in January. People couldn't sleep at night. And things have calmed down, but I don't think this is necessarily time to be imprudent. I think that the second half of the storm still beckons.


Here's the main thing when it comes to economics going forward, and Donald Trump. We just don't have a trade deficit. We just don't have a budget deficit. We have a growth deficit. And I think the only candidate who has seriously addressed it, and it's the reason he's our Republican nominee, is Donald Trump. We are going to massively cut taxes. We are going to flatten the tax code. We're going to simplify regulations....

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